Omega One Super Color Flakes

Omega One Super Color Flakes Review

Quick Overview


Mid Range

Food Type






In Depth Overview

Small Cory Cat

This Omega One Super Color Flakes review is from my personal experience as an aquarium hobbyist, and my personal use of the product.

Ah yes, the color-enhancing version of Omega One’s popular freshwater fish food. Is it worthy of its name? Does it do what it seems to say that it does? Do fish actually like the food? I hope to answer these good questions and more in my review below.

Do Fish Like the Food?

My favorite place to start with my fish food reviews is this question here. It can make or break a food before even having to go further into the review. Thankfully for this food, I can say yes, all of my fish seem to enjoy it. I do have a problem with the flakes size which I will discuss later, but most of my fish are smaller community fish that have no problem with the smaller flakes.

Package Sizing and Pricing

The food comes in a variety of sizes as per usual for Omega One fish foods. There is a .42oz, a 1oz, a 2.2oz, a 5.3oz, a 12oz, and the incredible 5lb bucket. As I stated in my standard version of this food review, please let me know in the comments below if you use the 5lb. bucket. That size is just crazy to me. For most of us hobbyists though, the smaller 1oz or 2.2oz will do just fine. The 2.2oz container will run you about $9 and the 1oz can be around $5 depending on the deals you can find. Overall, I think the pricing is fair for what you get.

Flake Overview

These flakes are quite interesting when it comes to their sizing and quality. I found that they have the same major problem as the Omega One Freshwater Flakes. However, instead of being large and hard flakes, these are almost powdery with how small and light they are. The container also has some hard flakes mixed in for good measure. 

I am not sure if I am unlucky or if this is just a trend with Omega One flake foods. The bottom line is that I have had two containers with some not-so-uniform flakes.

Omega One Freshwater Flakes
Freshwater Flakes
Omega One Super Color Flakes
Super Color Flakes
Omega One Super Color Flakes Ingredients
Omega One Super Color Flakes Ingredients

Ingredient Quality

Omega One fish foods all seem to have fairly solid ingredients that are used in them. This food is no exception with the main protein source being salmon. This gives it that “wonderful” and iconic salmon smell. I find Omega One foods also don’t have a list a mile long of additives to help balance out the food because of a lack of nutrients in the food. They also don’t fill it up with a bunch of cheap fillers and binders which may be why the food is not very uniform.

Something to note that I found interesting, is that the “Super Color” flakes actually have fewer ingredients than the Omega One’s standard freshwater flakes. The “Super Color” flakes don’t even contain spirulina which is one of the few ingredients that I know can help with coloration in fish. I also found both foods to be very similar except for slightly higher protein and fat levels being found in the “Super Color” flakes. 

With this said, I think I need to also mention the “Color Enhancing” part of the food’s marketing. This may just be a personal opinion, but I find that most foods on the market, including this one, don’t do much to color up my fish beyond what a “normal” food would. I believe that food is one of the lowest things on the list of ways to enhance your fish’s color.

Where to Buy Omega One Super Color

You can find Omega One Freshwater Flakes in most aquarium shops or chain pet shops like Petco. The food is also readily available on Amazon and other online retailers.

My Final Thoughts

Well, if you like Omega One’s Freshwater flakes, I think you will also like the super color flakes. Do I think you need to have one over the other? No. Do I think this will change your fish’s color much? No. But I think the food is still a solid choice for most aquarists. Now, if only I could get flakes from Omega One that aren’t clumpy and powdery. 

Thanks for reading!

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brilliant tetra, ornamental fish

If you believe this food is something you would like to try, feel free to use the link below to purchase some for yourself.

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